In 2014, coal produced over 40% of the world’s electricity. This situation has alarming consequences for atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The One Planet Summit participants made a commitment to support the transition towards renewable energy sources.




  • UK- Canada launch of major new international initiative to accelerate shift away from coal.

  • The Powering Past Coal Alliance  (PPCA) is a  broad coalition of Governments, businesses all  committed to cleaning their energy mix and ending the use of unabated coal power.

  • PPCA provides peer to peer support and outreach to countries looking to reduce their dependency on coal and improve health benefits of their citizens.


  • Expanded Alliance to 74 partners including 29 countries,  17 cities and states and 28 businesses.
  • Created strong Partnership with Bloomberg New Energy Finance  to help shift messaging and understanding of coal phase out
  • Formed new strategic partnership with  E3G to build foundations of alliance and accelerate outreach.
  • Developed programme of major events over autumn – GCAS, UNGA, COP24.  


Next steps

  • Publish new investor guidance defining coal phase out and PPCA requirements, driving up membership and action as a result.
  • Create opportunities for stronger alignment of donor support in developing countries on coal phase out and “leapfrogging” need for coal in first place.
  • Pursue deeper strategic dialogue with both potential members and countries looking to move towards a cleaner energy mix.


“Phasing out traditional coal is one of the most important steps government’s can take to meet our commitment to keep global temperature increase well below 2 degrees.”
The Powering Past Coal Alliance Declaration
EU Member States (CZ, DE, EL, PL, RO, SK) engaged with the European Commissionin the pilot.


As part of commitment ‘Sectoral revolutions towards a low-carbon economy’, the EU is acting to:

  • Support the regions in identifying models of economic devolopment less reliant on coal.
  • Mitigate the social impacts of the low-carbon transition.


  • Launch of the Platform for Coal regions in transition. Two meetings have already been held in Brussels, with exchanges  of information and best practices among interested regions.
  • European Commission working with member states on a pilot which will lead to the adoption of action plans. This will include the identification of specific projects which will drive the transition. 

Next Steps

  • Provision and financing of technical assistance for pilot coal regions.
  • Finalisation of action plans and lists  of projects. These might benefit from  EU funding, for example through the reallocation of regional funds.
  • A Secretariat of the Platform will be created to facilitate exchanges among Regions.
“We are working closely with national, regional and local stakeholders in support of their industrial transformation, using tailor-made solutions and all means at hand. Our objective is to see every region fully reap the benefits of the clean energy transition, whilst creating new jobs and promoting investment.”
Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President European Commission
signatory states and 40 member States as of August 2018
10 000
young technicians trained in 5 years, supported by Schneider Electric Foundation and Barefoot College
concrete programmes to harmonize and aggregate demand & reduce cost of finance & technology for specific solar energy solutions


  • Provide a collective response to the deployment of solar energy’s main obstacles in terms of technology,  regulation, finance and capacity, through:
    • A global mobilization to shape the enabling environment for large-scale solar energy development.
    • Mobilize US $1000bn needed to develop 1 terawatt of solar energy capacity by 2030.
    • The preparation of bankable projects.
    • The promotion of solar energy research and innovation.


  • First ISA Summit on March 11th 2018
  • First initial project portfolio for solar applications (solar e-mobility; rooftop installations; Island and village solar mini-grids etc.)
  • Conceptualization of a common risk guarantee mechanism by the WB and AFD
  • Commitment of France (€1bn) and India ($1.4bn) to ease the access to low-cost finance for solar projects
  • Creation of a network of 10 training centers and existing centers of excellence in ISA countries to promote solar energy
  • Development of training programmes for all actors of the sector and technology transfer and innovation

Next Steps

  • First General Assembly in Delhi on October 3rd 2018
  • Implementation of key instruments:
    • Publication of practical guides to ensure high-quality standards on solar applications
    • launch of a collaborative “Infopedia” online platform with EU support  (December  2018)
    • Development of best practices  documents and regulations for  contracting, procurement and  investment frameworks
  • Financing of new solar energy projects: 
    • Financial commitments by public and private stakeholders
    • Market study by AFD and the World Bank to establish a common guarantee mechanism
    • Strengthened dialogue with private sector through a dedicated committee.
“Let us make the sun brighter.”
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, India